流体用快速接头在液体冷却应用中至关重要。热控工程师需要无滴漏解决方案,以保持其设计的系统持续冷却。CPC 针对电子元件液体冷却应用设计的快速插拔 (QD) 接头杜绝了滴漏问题,经久耐用,可实现更安全、更可靠的冷却效果。
CPC 拥有无滴漏弹性密封件、简单的插拔功能以及各种可用材料,且其灵活设计可最大程度缓解流量限制问题,干插拔功能可将泄漏量降低到接近零,深受大功率超级计算机、数据中心乃至医疗设备领域的接头制造商的信赖
JOULIN, since its formation 50 years ago, has dealt with wood stacking/destacking applications. Through the years, experience was gained in various vacuum techniques and technologies now unique to the industry.
The design and development of solutions with larger, higher capacity gripping surfaces and lower vacuum levels allows Joulin to overcome many of the shortcomings of standard vacuum solutions.
The auto-regulated valve was originally designed in 1969 to handle layers of products without any adjustment.
Joulin grippers are not affected by sawdust, humidity and surfaces that are moulded, rough or twisted and therefore can be used with virtually any surface.
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